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Game-changing Power of Data Analytics

Next-gen HR
data analytics

How AI is linking data in new ways to offer big-picture perspectives on staff activity

Like gazing out the window the first time you fly in a plane, there’s always a “wow” feeling when you see the world in a whole new way. That’s what AI is achieving in so many professions today and HR is no exception.


The game-changing power of data analytics

Data analytics is providing businesses today with unprecedented perspectives on – and insights into – staff activity and development.

Previously unconnected information like positive/ negative feedback from line managers, number of sick days taken, or regular late arrivals for work, can be gathered together easily with AI, helping organisations to build practically informative profiles of staff members, and to link “HR Transactional Data” to other metrics in the organisation. The net result? A genuine step-change in understanding and improving employee engagement and retention.

So what are your choices? Outsource your HR to a big name provider with ever rising costs and miss out on the AI revolution? Go with an unproven AI solution provider with no specific HR expertise? Or choose the best of both worlds – an option that combines best-in-class AI with proven expertise in developing/evolving HR systems?

Möbius People from Quantanite has what you need to:

  • Tap into all the benefits of AI-powered HR from a provider with specific HR expertise.
  • Scale up without rising HR costs.
  • Benefit from fair outcome-based pricing.
  • Start doing it now with minimal investment.

We think there is no better AI-powered HR solution today.

Schedule your FREE consultation/demo now

How AI is linking data in new ways to offer big-picture perspectives on staff activity